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South African music,Township Jazz
South African music,Township Jazz 3rd Ear Music - 20th Edition - Apr 2008 -updated: 7/8/09- previous edition South African music,Township Jazz South African music,Township Jazz City Folk,Maskandi,Zulu,alternative music
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City Folk,Maskandi,Zulu,alternative music


HYMAP logo3rd Ear Music's Hidden Years Archive Project is a unique collection of alternative SAfrican music. Live Recorded desk-mixes from Township to City Festivals, Concerts, Clubs & independent Studios - 1964 to date. For archive re-issues & current 3rd Ear productions speak to us! - we can customize copies provided all the necessary permission, copyright & licensing is cleared. See copyright note below >>

It’s been 3 years since the last 3rd Ear Music / HYMAProject website update, although the site has been open and active, if not interactive. There’s more than enough hidden history music material to keep the hits coming (we average 10 / 20 day) and we do have one-on-one eMail queries and discussions almost daily, with quite a number of on line interviews, international & national. The reasons for this odd 3 year 3rd Ear Lunch-break should become clear, dear, as this wordage wears on. Don't give up!

What happened to all this?

Top L-R: Jazz People by Lars Rasmussen - The Drive with Ezra & Friends - Free Braam Fisher Rally Gandhi Hall Johannesburg - Troubadour 1967 Jeff Radford, Duccio Alessandria, Mike Dickman - Photo DM - Tiles Durban 1967 - Etonians & A Privilage appearing - Ronnie Madonsela & Drive Soweto Jabulani Brooke Benton Show 1971

Saint Helena Gold Mine Shangaan Dancers 1963 - by David MarksAlmon Mamela and Peter Gwelo 3rd Ear Music outside Madosini's Home Transkei 1975> Since the NRF are no longer funding the research for 3rd Ear's Hidden Years collection, perhaps we can look at investors rather than contributors? Thousands of music items have been saved and digitized by David these past 3 years, and many musicians, academics, archives, Civic associations etc claim, that what we have here is a hidden national treasure. Shouldn't we build on this Intellectual Property? Perhaps what we need to do is box-it, wrap it, pack it 'n post it -  get it out there, with the 3 Hidden Years Story books ASAP? Another option would be to work with a professional fund-raiser; revisit the idea of forming a Section 21 Archive Trust? (Suggested by Mike Wescott some years ago >>)
Any advice and help in this regard would be appreciated. Please contact David Marks.

April fool’s Day DEADLINE HEADLINE> The Market Theatre
What (The Market Theatre) offered was a sense of excitement and challenge. 'It didn't feel as though we were poor,' says Janice Honeyman, looking back at those penurious times. 'What we were doing felt so stimulating. We were doing it because that was what we wanted to do.
Archive Master Tape Shelves> History's song muted
Fred Kockott
courtesy of the Sunday Tribune, 15 June 2008 Edition 1

David Marks response >>
3rd Ear Music’s Hidden Years Music Archive Project (HYMAProject) has been shut down, but not up! Seriously, on the 1st April 2008 the HYMAProject apparently did come to an end… well, to claim that the HYMAProject ended when in reality it has not started (isn’t there a song in there somewhere?) seems odd… but read on… Memorandum of Understanding.
South African music,Township Jazz 4 Jacks and a Jill> Donations and Contributions to 3rd Ear's Hidden Years Music Archive collection urgently needed
Thanks to the latest generous donations from: Clive and Glenys Harding and the band 4 Jacks and a Jill - for The House That Master Jack Built. To Rock historian John Metcalf and his wife Carol and to Trish Downing (List of past donors >>)

Where are they now?> Update March 21, 2008 – What happened to all this? The plans, the promises of sharing our (so-called) indigenous knowledge?
...see the pictures >>

HYMAP UkZN DISA Legal letters Equipment Lists & Budgets (PDF 88kb) >>

HYMAP NRF MoU Appendix D - March 05 - March 08 (PDF 172kb) >>

Johnnie Fourie> Johnnie Fourie
We are so sad at the passing of our dear friend Johnnie Fourie; angry because another SAfrican talent passes on without getting due recognition while they were alive and playing, in their own country; one of many 'hidden history heroes' who, in the past 2 years, has passed on without having heard their HYMAProject recorded work and whom we could not get to interview as promised.
Louis Ribero> Louis Ribero
Note from Phil Smeidt in Nashville Tennessee ...
Lefifi Tladi> Lefifi Tladi – Dashiki & The Poets – Live Hidden Year’s Recordings 1972 to 1974
3rd Ear Music Hidden Years Music Archive Project (HYMAProject) CDR 933 / 934
HY draft notes by David Marks 28 December 2006. CDR sleeve Biog notes from Freda Hattingh.
South African music,Township Jazz

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