MMINO - The South African - Norwegian Education & Music Programme has once again offered to assist 3rd Ear Music's HYMAProject through a grant-in-aid over 3 years 2002, 2003 and 2004. The funding for SAfrican Arts projects is channeled through the NAC - The National Arts Council of South Africa, in partnership with the Norwegian Concert Institute. MMINO provides funding for the arts & attempts to establish mutually beneficial relations between Norway & South Africa in the field of Music. With thanks to Tom Gravlie & MMINO in Norway & Edgar Masuku & The NAC in Johannesburg.
Thanks also for the support of our past Funders - Paul Mikula & Dick Breytenbach from The Bartle Arts Trust & to Terry Rosenberg for his involvement over the past decade. There have been many spin-offs for many musicians - with various local & international TV Documentaries being made or planned re: Rian Malan - Where Does The Lion Sleep Tonight? with some rare & wonderful roots music CD Re-issues of Roger Lucey. 3rd Ear Music is only a small part of this process - networking & keeping people in touch; As Wavy Gravy said: we're feeding each other, man!
With The National Lotteries Board contribution for this year, it looks as if the project will keep moving, practically speaking. We have collected & partially collated a lot of interesting information to go with the analogue tapes, posters, programmes & photos; through the website new & interesting facts & figures from the Hidden Years keep coming at us up from all over the world.
The 3 immediate interrelated tasks that the funds will help us with:
- When compiling the Cds from the old analogue tapes, we aim to produce each musician's collection of songs as if it were to be a Radio broadcast; supported by a traveling Audio Visual Exhibit; photos, posters, real live people at galleries or schools.
- The Freemuse World Conference on Music & Censorship - to be held at The WHO in Copenhagen on the 28th & 29th September 2002 (Link Freemuse) http://www.3rdearmusic.com/project/freemuse.html could provide us with an opportunity to motivate for an on going exhibition & to introduce music education & performance programmes at all government schools from Grade 0.
- The Hidden Years Story - a book in 3 parts due out in 2003 (Penguin Books).
The HY music re-issues & stories for 2002 / 2003 include: John Oakley-Smith, Malombo, Mike Dickman, Colin Shamley, Clem Tholet, Madala Kunene, Sipho Mchunu, Jeremy Taylor and Hugh Masekela.
MMINO - The South African - Norwegian Education & Music Programme has given 3rd Ear Music a grant-in-aid for The Hidden Years Music Archive Project 2001. The funding for SAfrican Arts projects is channeled through the NAC - The National Arts Council of South Africa, in partnership with the Norwegian Concert Institute. MMINO provides funding for the arts & attempts to establish mutually beneficial relations between Norway & South Africa in the field of Music.
EDGAR MASUKU on behalf of Director TOM GRAVLIE of MMINO in Norway administers the fund in South Africa. Fran Marks & Thabiso Victor Pooe are assisting with the archiving & documentation which 3rd Ear Music aims to make available to Music students & Website visitors.
2.1 Education
Projects are sought that address the following:
- Adult education in professional and semi-professional contexts in the music industry such as issues of management and administration, legal and commercial aspects.
- The training of teachers to teach music to children at primary and/or secondary schools.
- Links could be made with the Department of Education in this regard, or other curriculum development and pilot projects that are currently in existence.
- Education for conductors and composers, voice training, as well as basic arts administration and concert management.
2.2 Documentation and Research
Projects are sought that address the following:
- Recording and collecting information about musical form that are in danger of being lost through lack of exposure and education as well as forms that have been neglected.
- Making archival resources more accessible to more people, and available as educational material in different forms.
2.3 Exchange
Exchange is seen as a tool for all the programme areas, as well as an end in itself in order to build relationships and facilitate sharing of expertise between partners. Projects are sought that address the following:
- Interaction between South Africans and Norwegians, and also between people of the Southern African Region where appropriate.
- An exchange should directly serve the needs of a project, and should be initiated by the parties in the project.
- An exchange could be an international show-casing event, which provide opportunities for opening the programme to international networking and linkages.
2.4 Choral Music
Projects are sought that support the following:
- Various aspects of choral education and performance
2.5 Festivals
Projects are sought that address the following:
- The creation of forums to promote little-known and under-exposed music forms in the provinces
- The further promotion of national music festivals throughout the country.
For further information & detail contact
David Marks at 3rd Ear Music / The HYMAProject or
Edgar Masuku at MMINO
C/o The national Arts Council of South Africa
P. O. Box 500
Newtown 2113
Tel (011) 838 1383
Fax (011) 838 6363