Dave "Plod" Tarr's Tribute on Saturday the 16th February has been moved to the DUMARC THEATRE, Unit 6 Springfield Park - the Tusk Inn was ransacked over the weekend and has had to close down. More news on the later. But if you need further details please call KEN E HENSON at (031) 572-2479 This is a benefit concert for Plod's Family with a host of musicians: Wills Blues Band, Sippies, Salty Dog, Syd Kitchen (and perhaps some of the Aquarian Quartet?) Dave Birch, Nibs v.d. Spuy, Brooklyn, Ken E Henson & Richard Ellis, Scooters Union, Steve Fataar, DAD (David Marks, Alan Judd & Dan Chiorboli) & others.Celebrate Life while we can.
Wednesday the 20.02.2002 - The only Palindromic Date this Century - features an evening of music arranged by MIM and Southern Sun Hotels at the old Maharani (Holiday Inn, Garden Court, North Beach, Durban) - 7:30 for 8:00pm - Call (031) 702-2043 to book or eMail Tickets R50.00 - Proceeds to the Leopard Kingdom Foundation (for homeless Children). Featuring: Mim Erasmus, Colin Penn, Frank Graham, Ellis Pearson, Keith McFarlane, Vicki Goddard, David Marks, Alan Judd, Dan Chiorboli and many more.