> From the HY Story Book:
check out a few anecdotes of The Turtles Last Tour 1969 - on the road with Frank Zappa's Flo & Eddy - the remarkably young & big haired & hearted Mark Volman & Howard Kaylan - The Turtles , 3 Dog-Night & Hoyt Axton - November December 1969. More from the HY Story Book - The USA safrican Connection continues - Across the Yellow Union Line - A truer than fiction anecdote about the Unions in 1969 America - Setting up with Hanley Sound at Madison Square Gardens during a Go-Slow for Joan Baez.
> Suck - Lead Guitarist Steve Gilroy took an exceptional solo break playing his Axe in an Angry Suite Symph ony on the Grand Piano of the Welkom City Hall, Orange Free States 1970
Courtesy The Music Africa Museum & Fresh Music.
> Urgent Appeals - medical attention for Stella Tarr
When a great musician is in trouble they can turn to their comrades for help. Stella Tarr - Violinist Dave Tarr's wife - who lives in Park Rynie on the South Coast KwaZulu-Natal - is extremely ill & needs urgent medical attention in Johannesburg.
> South Africa Music Day in PMB Botanic Gardens Sunday 26th Aug 2001 - A few Dig Cam snaps from the Pietermaritzburg contribution with the Hairy Legged Lentil Eaters.
> Where are they now?
Roy 'Little Richard' Malan -Pretoria's Classical child Violin Virtuoso in the 50's is living somewhere in Canada we hear here. Next Issue we relate a great Rock 'n Roy Story from Pretoria 1956 - A Wop Bop A Loo Bop A Wop Boom Bang.
 > The late great SAfrican artist T.O. Honiball had a band? A Band of Karoo Musicians - anybody know where we can book them onto our website? Where & who are T.O. Honiball Promosies?
> Song Lyrics - Featuring 3eM composers' lyrics & anecdotes like: John Gerrard - Bill Knight - Jonathan 'Radio Rat' Handley - Nick Taylor - James Phillips - David Kramer - Tony Bird - Des Lindberg - John Oakley Smith - Chris Mann - David Marks - Roger Lucey.
 > Poetry Africa 2000
Now available on a double CD -poems about Durban - featuring some of the world's great living poets. Poetry Africa is one of Africa's greatest literature events. This annual weeklong festival, in Durban South Africa, features poets from a richly diverse range of countries and cultures.
> Zimbabwe - Revolting Troubadours on the war & peace path again?
The UN Conference on Racism in Durban. The Hidden Years repeated?
The UN Conference on Racism in Durban sparked off some fiery debate before it had even started. Good! Pity then, that a bunch of political hooligans saw fit to hijack the opening days - just to air their own brand of racism; emotionally charged as they are from countries, communities & families that practice racism, religious intolerance & gender inequality? What is encouraging to note though, through all this din & empty racket - outside of this event - is that there are musicians who can still make a constructive noise when they want to & hopefully, when they are needed to; but will it make a difference? Throughout the Hidden Years many SAfrican musicians had their dreams destroyed & careers curtailed because they dared to mouth off in anger, by demonstrating their disgust & anger at racism & corruption - within their own environment & experience.
read more...>>
> Where Does the Lion Sleep Tonight - We have had a lot of feedback & some comment on Rian Malan's story of musician / composer the late Solomon Linda. The BBC is busy filming a TV documentary, we believe. Here's a note from Robert Tomashevs - suggesting that Rian treated Pete Seeger rather harshly in this story. The great bard of Folk Music has impeccable credentials; so I don't think that this was Rian Malan's intention. Maybe you would like to comment?
 > The Battle of The Bands
Johannesburg City Hall in the mid-50's featured some remarkable talent, that went on from these humble & segregated beginnings to conquer the world & eventually South Africa. These historic slides were taken by Herman Anderson & donated to the Archives...this is what the HYMAProject is all about.
> Noise Khanyile - where in Soweto may he be & what's he doing? A trend setting SAfrican Violinist whose Gallo recordings of the 50's & 60's need to be aired again. Make a noise Noise.
> Photo Gallery - Here's where Tony Campbell, Rodney Barnett, Manfred Linder, Frank Black, Alf Kumalo and many other photographers' work will play a major role.