3rd Ear Music's Hidden Years Archive Project is a unique collection of alternative SAfrican music. Live Recorded desk-mixes from Township to City Festivals, Concerts, Clubs & independent Studios - 1964 to date. For archive re-issues & current 3rd Ear productions speak to us! - we can customize copies provided all the necessary permission, copyright & licensing is cleared. See copyright note below >>
Edition 13/14 (Feb/Apr 2003) - See Funding appeal for details of our 2003/2004 Budget & the 2001/2002 report please contact David Marks.
1970 Rock Programme LM Radio Advert for Billy Forests' 24 Hour Milpark Rock Festival Massacre - Additional Photos & Sketch by David Marks: Jimi @ Woodstock, Chuck plays Toronto, Mick in Michigan 1969 & Noise Khanyile does Durban 1980 & Cricket Bat Elvis 2000
Sketch by David Marks
©(p) 3rd Ear Music 1985. |
Classic Hidden Years Stories:
Milner Park 24 Hour Rock Festival Raid 1970
Communist Folk in Coffee Bars - March 1967 (coming soon)
Manhattan Brothers - Mantindane 68 years on
Tony Bird White African Voice in New York
Rian Malan visited Frank Zappa in 1979
Current Events & News (News Forum):
World Conference on Censorship - Denmark (coming soon)
Roger Lucey meets Paul Erasmus in Denmark (coming soon)
Cricket & Rock Addict - 60s Cricket Bat Elvis
Jeremy Taylor Student Lecture Tour RSA 2003
BLEEDING HEART Restaurant HY Donation
RIP - Ilne Hofmeyr, Owen Coetzer, Elliot Makhaya, Keith Blundell, Alfred Temba Qabula
Copyright, Sound & Media Issues: (News Forum):
John Perry Barlow - The Economy of Ideas
Dr. Goss Electronic Frontier Foundation
SAfrican Music Content / ICASA
Only Musicians Can Make Music - Piracy?? (coming soon)
Mzwakhe Mbuli is still in jail Dorothy Flynn US (coming soon)
Broadcast Amendment Bill - We are being had! (coming soon)
Snipers in the Streets - Michael Moore (coming soon)
Archive CD Issues & Live Show Updates:
Brian Finch & Ken E Henson - Unite & Ignite (coming soon)
Clem Tholet - All his Classic songs on one CD (coming soon)
Mel, Mel & Julian USA CD Ethnic Shmethnic (coming soon)
Brian Finch - Good Times Classic - 1974 (coming soon)
Bill Knight, Dave Goldblum (coming soon)
Syd Kitchen Madala Kunene The Aquarian Q (coming soon)
Mike de Jager, Ma Downing (coming soon)
Johnny Dimba, BAT Centre Graduation (coming soon)
Donald Tshomela - a CD at 70 (Julian Burnett) (coming soon)
HY Archive Bits & Bites Sarie Awards 1981 etc (coming soon)
Where Are They Now? Mutt Lange? etc (coming soon)
Lyrics & Links:
Bill Knight / Alfred Qabula
SongLines - a wonderful book for contemporary, classic & traditional musicians & song writers, then do yourself a favour; visit the site & subscribe.
David Marks - The 3rd Ear Music CV
FUNDING - Once again MMINO have come to our aid in 2003 and so too has Bob Wilson of the Bleeding Heart Restaurant & Bistro in London. However we do need additional funds to focus on the Archive, the database, Information service and ofcourse to complete The Hidden Years Story Book - Part 1 - in the process of being coloured in; and Penguin Books are waiting. So any additional assistance in that regard would be greatly appreciated. We also have an exciting batch of CDR issues that are about to escape - so watch this space. The 2001/ 2002 report will be posted on the site soon and the budget will be available to any interested parties on request.
We would also like to acknowledge and thank all those who have contributed in the past, most notably The National Arts Council of South Africa, The Bartle Arts Trust, Terry Rosenberg, Rick Barber (Australia) and The National Lotteries Board. Funds for the HYMAProject have also been generated through 3rd Ear Music's Festivals, Concerts & Clubs & by the re-issuing of limited edition Hidden Years recordings - and of course by courtesy of Master Jack. We are working on the research & scripting of a TV Documentary and a proposed series of syndicated Radio Programmes; so any stories, photographs, anecdotes that you think we could add to our hidden history - Please drop us an eLine.
Important legal & copyright note:
Whether 3rd Ear Music owns the music it recorded or not - it will only be made available with permission, in writing, from the rights holders. Copyright clearance from the original owners, composers, publishers & producers is essential. 3eM aims to issue limited edition CD-R's, CDs & hopefully a CD-ROM. A Radio & TV documentary is being negotiated. We hope to make as much information available as we are allowed - for students, archive and commercial use. However, the choice of music, material & stories from the archives, is up to the individual musicians. Anybody willing to sponsor a particular artist or event? email 3eM.
Disclaimer - This Website may contain information which does not necessarily reflect the views of 3rd Ear Music & The Hidden Years Archive Project, the musicians, sponsors or Funders who shall not incur any liability resulting directly or indirectly from the enclosed information, opinions & data.