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South African music,Township Jazz
South African music,Township Jazz 3rd Ear Music - 22nd Edition - Jan 2009 - July 2011 -updated: 17/8/09 - previous edition South African music,Township Jazz South African music,Township Jazz City Folk,Maskandi,Zulu,alternative music
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City Folk,Maskandi,Zulu,alternative music


HYMAP logoYoung Zulu Surfers – Pumula Beach by Dylan Marks (2010)3rd Ear Music's Hidden Years Archive Project is a unique collection of alternative SAfrican music. Live Recorded desk-mixes from Township to City Festivals, Concerts, Clubs & independent Studios - 1964 to date. For archive re-issues & current 3rd Ear productions speak to us! - we can customize copies provided all the necessary permission, copyright & licensing is cleared. See copyright note below >>


Where has the HYMAProject / 3rd Ear Music been since the UkZN / NRF / DISA ‘missing millions’ drama drove us out of Durban?
..read also >>
Down here on the East Coast of Southern Africa’s kwaZulu-Natal South Coast – in a peace of paradise located at Melville Beach Sanctuary of Love between Umzumbe, Pumula and the Indo-Nordic-Anglo-African town of Port Shepstone. 3rd Ear Music in 2011 continues to collect & capture ‘stuff’ – the object is to keep sharing music moments that happen (as if by magic sometimes) – without stopping time. Point is, this may be a hysterically historical hidden history website, but strangely enough, we are more about the future than of the past.

The Rock in Pumula

The Rock in Pumula – David & Fran Marks (Photo by Dylan Marks 2010)
Pull In, Plug In and Play every Sunday from 2 pm with David & acoustic music guests.

> The late Alan Lomax...
World Musicologist, archivist and controversial cultural warrior & music researcher - known as 'the song hunter' - said that what the human race needs - to overcome mediocrity and beat commercial corporate greed and political abuse - is to tap into the soul of society; to do so we need what he termed 'cultural equity'. Lomax argued that cultural equity should be right up there with freedom of speech, of expression and association; part and parcel of every person's upbringing. Mediocrity can be defeated.

> The Power of the Music Media in SAfrica
written in 1998 by David Marks, and responded to by (ex-Sunday Times) music journalist / critic, Chris Chapman

Juluka - Umvovo Shelembe and Johnny Clegg - Market Photo by Frank Black

As the song goes – if you want to stop the revolution, let the wheels go ‘round; give the heads on top a turn to get their feet in the ground. That’ll teach them! Believe it or not, if we can learn anything from history, it is that we should stop trying to recreate, reinvent or blame it for what we have here and now. Too true, there’s as much good stuff as bad that can be saved, and learnt from; but then we need to get closure on the past by focusing on the now! The future will take care of itself. The past needs to be respectfully licked, labelled, boxed and stored away in ‘interactive / living’ archives, libraries and museums… that’s what our 3rd Ear Music / HYMAProject is aiming for… the future now or never. As the rock-cave song goes… Untie the past, Rap up the present; let’s not forget – our gift for the future is what our kids won’t regret.

> HY Radio Road Show Proposal
The attached ‘HY Radio Road Show Proposal’ (formulated in 1992, presented in 1998) has been ignored, avoided and often trashed by the mainstream music media (SABC / SAfm in particular). The kZN Mercury article was written by Colleen Dardagan 3rd June 2011. Perhaps these are ‘ideas’ whose times have now come?
Memory is a Weapon (Don Mattera)
Forgiving is Healing (Nelson Mandela)
Forgetting is Betrayal (Pritz Dullay)

> Creating Unity - The expression of our humanity - history and heritage through art & culture
The kZN South Coast is well known nationally and internationally for its beaches, surfing and sardines, but not much is known about its people and their history. Many local people are unaware of this and tend to stick to whom and what they know, thus remaining insulated from the diversity of people, cultures, art and history that are so unique and present on the kZN Hibiscus / UGU South Coast.

Important links

  1. The Venus Project – Beyond politics, poverty, profit, religion & war.
  2. Joseph Campbell Foundation - video
  3. Peter Joseph's July 25th 2009 Zeitgeist Movement Lecture: London , UK
  4. Zeitgeist 3; Moving Forward - Press Conference
  5. Spiritual Paths
Syd Kitchen
Ken E Henson & Syd Kitchen (RIP) – at Dave ‘Plod’ Tarr (RIP) Wake

Syd Kitchen
Ernest Mothle
14 Shabalala
Zim Ngqawana
Ken E Henson

have all since passed on; it’s been 50 years since Jeremy’s AG PLEEZ DEDDY & PIECE OF GROUND were recorded; MANFRED MANN started touring in 1961; BOB DYLAN’s just become 70… TIME has no manners, but we love her and live with her anyway….

South African music,Township Jazz

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